Across Agency Co-operation Saves Fish and Wildlife


Two compliance incidents this week demonstrate the effectiveness of across agency enforcement operations. The issues affected and involved both the Parks and Wildlife Service and the Inland Fisheries Service, and resulted in the protection of native fauna and recreational fishing species. This is good news for anglers and the Tasmanian community.

In the first incident, a joint surveillance operation by the IFS, PWS and Wildlife Management Branch, DPIPWE was mounted following a report from the public of crayfish traps set in a North West river. As a result three men are now facing charges for alleged fishing for fresh water crayfish. The fines for catching or attempting to catch the Giant Freshwater Crayfish can be up to $13,000 for each offence, with potential breaches under the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and the Inland Fisheries Act 1995.

In the second incident, a report was received by the IFS from an angler fishing the Tyenna River regarding the location of a heavy duty gill net set in the river near National Park. PWS staff at Mt. Field National Park were notified and immediately responded by removing the net, which had the potential to capture fish and platypus.

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