More salmon for all regions

Over the past month (mid August to late September) the IFS has stocked several waters with Atlantic salmon, large ex-brood stock rainbow and brook trout. Craigbourne Dam has received 850 Atlantic salmon, Brushy Lagoon has received 720 Atlantic salmon, 500 rainbow trout and 60 brook trout, Lake Barrington has just been stocked with 450 Atlantic salmon as it has finally stopped spilling.
Thanks must go to Petuna Aquaculture, Springfield Fisheries and Saltas for the supply of these fish.
Anglers are reminded that these fish are a resource for all licensed anglers to share with a daily bag limit of five fish with no more than two fish over 600 mm in place for all of the above mentioned waters.
If you do see a delivery of these fish to one of the above waters please give these fish time to recover before fishing for them. Anglers have been observed fishing for these fish as soon as they have left the delivery truck. Not only is this poor sport it is inconsiderate of others as well as a bad look.