April 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Spillway barrier net installed at Four Springs Lake
There have been concerns voiced by anglers for many years about the loss of trout over the spillway at Four Springs Lake. While a spillway screen could prevent such losses it would also bring with it maintenance issues, as debris build up would likely compromise the efficiency of the spillway. The fish barrier nets in...

Lake Burbury camping ground boat ramp upgrade
Members of the public are advised the works on this boat ramp will commence on Wednesday 17 April 2013 and should be completed by Friday 10 May 2013 (weather permitting). The nature of the works will necessitate the boat ramp being closed during this period. An alternate boat ramp is available at Thureau Hills (Old...

Easter Compliance Activities
Many waters were checked throughout the period with catch rates below average due to poor weather conditions. The standout water was Great Lake. Good numbers of well conditioned rainbow and brown trout up to 1.8 kg were caught by anglers prepared to put in the time on this water. Several offences were detected throughout the...