Preliminary trials testing the feasibility of long lines as a method to assist in carp eradication

European carp (Cyprinus carpio) were targeted in suburban Melbourne lakes using rod and line, as a preliminary test for determining the most effective hook type, size, and bait for catching carp using a long line. This study was conducted as an honours project for the Australian Maritime College (AMC). The long lines will be trailed in Lake Sorell, where it is hoped that this technique will be able to assist in the eradication of carp, and consequently the species from Tasmania.
Melbourne was chosen as a venue for the preliminary trials due to the ease of access of locations, and the high abundance of European carp in relatively small lakes. A combination of two hook types in two sizes (J-hook and circle hook in sizes 1 and 4) were tested, while a flavoured artificial bait known as a boilie were compared against corn kernels. A total of 346 hook-hours were fished, with 39 carp hooked and 28 landed. 11 fish were lost due to hooks pulling, or line breakage by abrasion on snags (rocks/logs) while being reeled in. Fish size ranged from 1.5 to 7 kg. Both baits showed similar success with boilies and corn kernels accounting for 21 and 17 fish respectively. Circle hooks accounted for 21 of the 39 fish hooked. 15 of the 24 fish landed had the hook firmly penetrated in the corner of the mouth, which is a preferential and strong hook placement. Of the 15 corner-hooked samples it is interesting to note that 10 of these were with circle hooks.
The development of the long lines for use in Lake Sorell has now commenced and will hopefully be deployed in the following weeks. To view the complete report please see the link below: