IFS cleans up Craigbourne Dam and Arthurs Lake as part of Business Cleanup Australia Day

Tuesday 26 February 2013 the IFS sent out two teams to clean up two of the more popular fisheries in Tasmania. One team cleaned the shores of Craigbourne Dam and managed to fill a ute tray full of bags of rubbish. Another team visited Arthurs and Woods lakes with two ute trays and a trailor load of rubbish removed.
Perhaps the biggest disappointment was the state of the toilet facilities at Craigbourne Dam which were filthy, full of rubbish and used toilet paper. There have been recent efforts by the IFS, Southern Tasmania Licensed Anglers Association (STLAA) and DPIPWE to maintain these facilities but they have quickly slipped into ruin by the careless actions of a few.
Clean up Australia Day is Sunday March 3, 2013 and there have been two fisheries fostered by angling groups. Four Springs Lake is being visited by the Fly Fishers Club of Tasmania and the River Derwent between Granton and New Norfolk is being visited by STLAA. Anglers do not have to be club members to participate. Cleanup will start in the morning at 9.00 am at Four Springs Lake and at Granton.