June 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Regulation changes for the 2013/14 angling season
Several changes have been made this season to the rules and regulations governing the freshwater recreational fishery. An overview of these changes is outlined below. Anglers should check the relevant section of the 2013/14 Fishing Code for more detailed information. Schedule 3 of the Regulations has been amended to allow for the issuing of a...

Penstock Lagoon Activity Zones
To protect and enhance the Penstock Lagoon ecosystem the IFS is recommending activity zones for boating and wading. New information signs have been installed and marker buoys deployed on the lagoon to identify a boating ‘corridor’ to be used to traverse the lagoon whilst under petrol power. Electric motors or manual labour should be used...

Mersey River Anglers Access brochure now available
The Mersey River is the latest to receive the Anglers Access treatment from the IFS. Stiles, signs and associated access infrastructure has been installed between Lake Parangana and Latrobe. Fifteen private landowners have entered into agreements with the IFS to formalise access for anglers. The IFS is indebted to these landowners for their considerable contribution...

Lake King William open for fishing all year round
Whilst previously open to all year round fishing until 2006, Lake King William has only been open during the brown trout season for the past six years. At the request of angling groups the lake is again open to all year round fishing. The regulation changes in order for this to occur have been passed...

Adult brown trout transfers completed for 2013
The last of the brown trout have migrated up the Liawenee Canal at Great Lake spelling an end to this season's brown trout spawning run. These last fish were transferred to Brady’s Lake to complete the season's stocking allocation of 5,000 adult brown trout for that fishery and 600 were released into Tooms Lake. Last...