An upgrade to Austins Ferry boat ramp

The popular, well used boat ramp at Austins Ferry has recently received a significant upgrade.
The new pontoon was jointly funded by MAST and Glenorchy City Council at a total cost $102,000. The upgrade replaces the aging 6 m x 3 m pontoon that existed previously with a new pontoon, which at 19 metres long triples capacity on the old system. The new pontoon is adjacent and parallel to the boat ramp and should require little or no maintenance over its 40 year plus design life.
This upgrade coincides with the arrival of both whitebait and sea-run trout in the River Derwent and is an ideal location to launch when fishing the middle reaches of the river.
The ramp is located at Austins Ferry Road off Main Rd. 1 km north of Claremont.