January 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Fisheries Compliance - Australia Day Long Weekend
Over the Australia Day Long Weekend Inland Fisheries Officers patrolled many inland waters across the State. The objectives of the patrols were to ensure recreational angler compliance under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995,inland Fisheries (Recreational Fishing) regulations 2009,Marine and Safety Act to ensure angler awareness of fishery regulations and fishery management strategies. Officers based from...

Illegal gill net retrieved from Wayatinah Lagoon
Wednesday 22 January 2014 the IFS received a call from staff at SALTAS Wayatinah hatchery informing of a net found at Wayatinah Lagoon. An IFS staff member went to Wayatinah to collect the net. The net contained dead cormorants and redfin perch and is a reminder of the destruction that illegal fishing gear can cause...

Wader Safety – MAST TV
MAST have added a title on wader safety to the excellent MAST TV series starring Nick Duigan and Andrew Hart of Hook Line and Sinker. The IFS recommends all anglers familiarise themselves with the basic safety tips for the use of waders and practice them in controlled conditions – turning your waders from a liability...

Bradys Dam Road closure: 3 – 28 February 2014
Hydro Tasmania has scheduled investigations at Bradys Dam for 28 January - 28 February 2014, and intends to close the dam crest of Bradys Dam on Bradys Lake Road for the 3 - 28 February. There will be some increase in noise and traffic levels during the works. Works will be confined to 7am to...

Shannon Lagoon - joint project commenced
Shannon Lagoon, located in the Central Highlands close to the community of Miena, has an interesting history and has provided for numerous values including hydro-electricity, trout fishing, biodiversity and recreation. Over recent years, Shannon Lagoon has not been a quality trout fishing venue because of high levels of turbidity. With the loss of Lagoon of...