Lighting the way for safety on the water

Hydro Tasmania, Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) and the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) have joined forces to improve safety on the water for anglers.
The three organisations have installed navigation lights at 30 of the state’s most popular fishing spots, managed by Hydro Tasmania.
“Anglers had expressed concern about the lack of navigational aids on inland waters as the light fades during the evening,” said Hydro Tasmania’s Michael Bidwell.
“Working with MAST and the IFS, we have installed solar-operated lights at boat ramps in remote fishing locations. The lights have a range of 5 nautical miles in clear conditions.”
Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) said the project, managed by the Inland Fisheries Service, will greatly enhance safety on many inland lakes.
“Many of the installation locations are in areas with little or no other landmarks, features or lights from shacks or roads to help with navigation,” said MAST’s Peter Hopkins.
“These lights will help ensure the safety of those returning after dark by providing light near the boat ramp.”
The project was funded by equal contributions from Hydro Tasmania and Marine and Safety Tasmania.
Mr Bidwell said the project is part of a joint effort by Hydro Tasmania, MAST and the IFS to continually improve boating infrastructure on inland lakes.
“Work will begin soon on a new double lane ramp and pontoon at Bradys Lake. This will complement work undertaken late in 2013 with the installation of a pontoon at Swan Bay on Great Lake and at the Dam Wall on Arthurs Lake.”
A full list of new navigational light locations and grid references is available here.
Lights will be installed at three additional locations at a later date - Bradys Lake, Lake Rowallan and Lake Crescent.