Easter blitz targets on-water compliance

Fisheries Officers have been very busy over the Easter holiday period ensuring compliance with Inland Fisheries and Marine & Safety legislation. High profile land and boat based patrols were conducted across the central highlands inspecting 196 anglers for fishing licences, bag and size limits and vessel safety equipment. Good quality brown trout were inspected in several waters providing great fishing for anglers.
Several offences were detected involving unlicensed fishing, use of a can to indicate movement in the rod and line, fishing with unattended set rods, fail to register a motor boat, and fail to wear a PFD in a vessel under six meters while underway. Officers issued nine infringement and conditional caution notices in relation to these offences totaling $1,120 in fines. In one situation fishing equipment was also confiscated.
Anglers are again reminded that it is compulsory to wear an approved life jacket (PFD) in a vessel under six meters while underway and the minimum safety equipment for motor boats on inland waters includes a fire extinguisher, bailer, bucket or bilge pump, auxiliary propulsion of either paddles, oars or outboard, and anchor rope and chain.
Anyone who suspects or witnesses illegal fishing activity is urged to contact Stephen Hepworth, Manager (Compliance and Operations) at the Inland Fisheries Service on 0438 338 530 as soon as possible.
Mark Asplin Fisheries Officer – Inland Fisheries Liawenee Field Station