Trout fishing is a pastime that should be enjoyed by everyone

For those who fish regularly we all know the thrill of landing a trout. The Inland Fisheries Service seeks to encourage a greater take-up of this time honoured sport, especially for those who may not have the opportunity to do so, by providing exemption permits to a range of organisations across the state.
Disability, aged care, school groups, angling clubs and community groups are provided with exemption permits so they can fish without a licence at specific events and angling days.
One such group is the EACH Home and Community Care (HACC) social activity group. David Roberts the group’s coordinator takes participants on regular Tuesday fishing excursions and says trout fishing promotes an active outdoor lifestyle, social inclusion, sense of achievement and positive self-esteem.
David takes his groups to fishing spots on the Derwent and Huon rivers and other locations around Hobart. This week they took advantage of the new River Derwent angler access work that has just been completed and enjoyed a fun day’s fishing at New Norfolk.