The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

December 2015 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

IFS Officer Chris Boon with a happy Bothwell High student
Dec. 8, 2015

Upskilling the next generation of anglers

Recently Bothwell District High School ran a fly fishing field trip at Weasel Plains Dam that Inland Fisheries were invited to attend. Held over two days, the students were introduced to both the theoretical and practical components of fly fishing and learned though hands-on experience the art of fly fishing. A range of wet and...

Work on the Lake Skinner track.
Dec. 7, 2015

Working bees have been transforming the Lake Skinner track

The Parks and Wildlife Service have recently undertaken a number of working bees on the track to Lake Skinner. As well as undertaking the usual grunt work involved in upgrading tracks they have also used this time as an opportunity to provide some masterclasses on bush carpentry. A group of volunteers were tutored in the...

Dec. 4, 2015

Changes to public access at Lake Barrington and Lake Paloona

Hydro Tasmania has advised of changed access for recreation at Lake Barrington and Lake Paloona At Lake Barrington, the changes have extended the area of navigable water. Previously, recreational users were excluded up to 1600 metres from Devils Gate Dam. This exclusion zone has been reduced to 400 metres upstream of the dam wall. At...

Good sized rainbow trout are now for the taking at Lake Kara.
Dec. 4, 2015

Lake Kara stocked

This week a 150 rainbow trout were transported from the Salmon Ponds and stocked into Lake Kara. The fish averaged around 1kg and should provide some good sport for anglers in the North West region. Send us some photos of your successful catches. Anglers are reminded that a daily bag limit of five fish applies...

Dec. 2, 2015

Boating hazard at Large Bay boat ramp, Lake Echo

Submerged logs have been detected at the Large Bay boat ramp (Lake Echo). Whilst launching is still possible boaters should be aware of potential navigation hazards and check the ramp carefully before launching.