$17,325 issued in fines so far this year
Our Fisheries Officers were on patrol again across the state this past week and of great concern is the number of anglers who continue to be caught for doing the wrong thing.
This season there have been 1,960 angling licences and 216 whitebait licences inspected and the majority are doing the right thing but from these checks there have been 73 Fisheries Infringement notices issued for 78 offences. It would seem that some anglers are still not getting the message that they will be caught if they fish without an angling licence or commit another offence such as:
- Possessing a gill net at inland waters
- Fishing with unattended set rods
- Fishing with more rods than allowed
- Failing to wear a PFD
- Failing to carry minimum boat safety equipment
Illegal activities detract from the quality of the angling experience enjoyed by all. Anyone who suspects or witnesses unlawful activity is urged to quickly contact Stephen Hepworth Manager (Compliance and Operations) at the Inland Fisheries Service on 0438 338 530. Vital information to give the Stephen includes car/boat registrations, exact locations and offender descriptions.