December 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

IFS Annual Report 2015-16
As we head into the New Year’s break why not catch up on all the IFS news for the last (financial) year. For a look at what we did, and how we did between July 2015 and June 2016, check out the Inland Fisheries Service Annual Report 2015-16.

Farm Dam Stocking
On Monday Brett and Paul stocked farm dams in the North West of the state. These dams are open to public fishing. We stock them regularly to ensure good, ongoing fish, for anglers. One-gram brown trout fry were released. This follows up on the fish releases in 2014 and 2015. Talking to the farmers, plenty...

Fishing you a Merry Christmas
From everyone at the Inland Fisheries Service we want to wish you all a wonderful festive season. The New Norfolk office is closing for the Festive Season. We open again at 9am on Tuesday 3 January 2017. If you’re looking to buy a licence you can here on our website or drop into a Service...

Western Lakes Vehicle Track Update
The Double Lagoon track to the boat launching area is now open. The Talinah Lagoon track has been opened as far as the Little Pine River at Ada Lagoon. The Pillans-Julian track remains closed and will be reassessed in the new year. For the latest track information contact Parks and Wildlife Service Great Western Tiers...

Woods Lake Road upgrade
We have just completed a $20 000 upgrade of Woods Lake Road. It’s been potholed and graded in time for the holidays. Please drive at 40kmh and use 4wd on the steep incline from the boat ramp to the top of the hill to assist in keeping the road in good condition.