June 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Anglers Access flood damage update
We’ve now looked at most of the Anglers Access sites. There is major damage in the Leven and Mersey catchments and minor damage on the other northern rivers. Many stiles and signs are damaged or missing and fences destroyed. Fortunately, footbridges and many stiles have survived although they are covered in debris. Due to the...

IFS checks on a special group of golden galaxias
The golden galaxias (Galaxias auratus) is a small rare native fish found only in lakes Crescent and Sorell and is a listed Threatened Species. Even though there are quite a lot of them in lakes Crescent and Sorell, in 1998 some were moved to a spring fed farm dam, off the Clyde river, just in...

yingina / Great Lake boat ramps re-opened
With water levels having recovered sufficiently, Hydro Tasmania has re-opened all boat launching ramps on yingina / Great Lake. yingina / Great Lake is one of Tasmania’s most popular angling locations. Many ramps were closed in December and January because of low water levels associated with Tasmania’s energy challenges. While all ramps on yingina /...

Anglers Access - we've started looking at what the floods left behind
IFS has started working our way around the state looking at damage to Anglers Access infrastructure after the floods. The new equipment on the South Esk River largely escaped even though the flood waters nearly set a record. Some of it was completely covered by water and survived. One stile at Perth has been taken...

Anglers - Keep an eye on Lake Dulverton
Last year the Southern Midlands Council and IFS got together to improve the fishery at Lake Dulverton. Since then water has been added to the lake as a part of the Midland Water Scheme with an aim to put about 430 mega litres in each year for three years. The plan is to bring back...