March 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive
Arthurs Lake boat ramp maintenance and inspection completed
MAST and IFS conducted routine maintenance on the Arthurs Dam and Jonah Bay boat ramps last week where the pontoons were freed from debris and the mooring cables checked and adjusted. Both pontoons and ramps provide safe and convenient launching for the remainder of the 2015-16 angling season. The Pumphouse Bay ramp is also providing...
Atlantic salmon stocked into Wayatinah Lagoon
Today 900 Atlantic salmon were stocked into Wayatinah Lagoon by IFS staff. The fish averaged around 1 kg and should provide good sport over the coming weeks. We thank SALTAS for their support in the donation of these fish. Limit your take. Don't take your limit.
Lake King William offers an abundant trout resource
Lake King William has large population of small wild trout due to the number and quality of its spawning streams and because it experiences relatively low fishing pressure. To provide a contingency for varied rainfall, lake levels and fisheries performance in other waters, this resource will now be used as stock for other fisheries around...
Meander Dam boat ramp closure
Tasmanian Irrigation have advised that due to low water levels, the boat ramp at Meander Dam (Huntsman Lake) has now been closed. Notification will occur when the ramp is again usable.
IFS rolls up its sleeves, slaps on the sunblock and gets to work for Clean Up Australia
Inland Fisheries Service staff participated in Clean Up Australia’s “Business Clean Up Day” on Tuesday 1st March. Two sites were targeted by IFS for clean ups – the River Derwent from Bridgewater to Gretna and Lakes Crescent and Sorell. On the River Derwent two teams focussed on the popular angling and boat launching sites and...