May 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Chris Bowen showing a nice female brown trout from the 2016 spawning run
May 2, 2016

With the Liawenee trout weekend only a few weeks away, brown trout are already on the way

Inland Fisheries staff completed last week a weigh and measure of the first brown trout for 2016 from the Liawenee canal fish trap. Two hundred fish were weighed and measured with an average weight of 1kg. All fish were in excellent condition. We expect far more to be on their way. Come and see for...

One of the brown trout electrofished from the Hermit basin area
May 2, 2016

Lake Pedder remains redfin perch free

After a recent reported sighting, in late April Inland Fisheries staff investigated the presence of redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Lake Pedder. Two main sites were surveyed; the western shore from the Lake Pedder Wilderness Lodge boat ramp and the Hermit basin from McPartlan’s Pass boat ramp. Using the electroboat a range of habitats were...