Scientists from New Zealand visit

Nick Ling, Grant Tempero, and Brendan Hicks from the School of Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand visited Tasmania in September. They came for the Australian Society of Fish Biology conference.
After the conference, they sampled several locations for the native common jollytails. Australia shares the common jollytail with New Zealand, Chile, Patagonia, Argentina, the Falkland Islands, and New Caledonia. In New Zealand they are known by their Māori name īnanga (Galaxias maculatus).
Using the IFS back-pack electrofisher they fished the Lachlan River near New Norfolk, Tooms Lake, and Blackmans Lagoon. The team collected 15-20 fish from each location. The fish will be compared with specimens from the Waikato River, NZ, and a number of locations in Chile. This is part of a global comparison of the genetics and life history of the species.
While fishing the Lachlan River the team discovered the jollytails share their habitat with numerous shortfin eels (Anguilla australis) and sandies (Pseudaphritis urvillii). In Tooms Lake they found only common jollytails. In Blackmans Lagoon, as well as the jollytails, there were pygmy perch (Nannoperca austalis) and numerous shortfin eels.
Nick, Grant, and Brendan wish to thank staff of the IFS, especially Jonah Yick and Rob Freeman, for their assistance with sampling gear and sampling site selection.