August 2017 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Tumbledown Creek Bridge
Hydro Tasmania has recently inspected the bridge over Tumbledown Creek (Gunns Marsh Road, Arthurs Lake) and it was found to have structural issues. The load rating of the bridge has been reduced to 2 tons to allow its ongoing safe operation,and revised load limit signage has been installed. Please exercise caution when using the bridge...

Latest report to AAT
On Sunday 13th of August we attended the Anglers Alliance Tasmania meeting held at Campbell Town. Please read the IFS report to Anglers Alliance Tasmania.

Anglers – get involved in improving fish habitat.
Anglers regularly express their concerns that the fishing is not as good as it used to be due to our waterways being choked with noxious plants and pests. There is now a lot of information on how to improve degraded fish habitat and there are ways you can get involved in local projects with the...

Opening of the trout season wrap up.
The weekend saw the opening of the brown trout season for 2017-2018, with thousands of anglers out trying to tempt a trout. Despite some rain and wind in the north, there were some outstanding catches to report. Going on the fishing seen on the opening weekend of the season, it looks like this trout season...

South Esk Angler Access project completed
On Saturday 5 August, to coincide with the start of the brown trout season, the Minister for Inland Fisheries, Jeremy Rockliff officially launched the South Esk River Anglers Access project on the riverbank at Hadspen. This is the 10th river access project completed by Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) and Inland Fisheries Service (IFS). Since 2007,...