Poacher convicted of netting offence

On Wednesday 7th June 2017 Terry Johann Jones of Northdown was found guilty on four charges relating to illegal net use and the taking protected wildlife. Mr Jones had set a grab all net in the Franklin Rivulet near Port Sorell, which entangled and killed a platypus.
Terrence Jones pleaded not guilty but was convicted of all charges and fined $1091.09 plus court costs.
To take fish form inland waters by means other than a rod and line is illegal. To possess a non-permitted net at inland waters is also illegal. Platypuses are protected wildlife, and significant penalties apply to taking or possessing them.
This shows the risks of illegal nets and traps. They are good at catching fish but also catch wild life as well. This is the fourth platypus that the IFS has encountered that has been killed by an illegal fish trap in Tasmania this year. We find this extremely disappointing and we need your help to stop this happening.
Please report any suspicious behaviour to the Inland Fisheries Service on 1300 INFISH. Information such as dates, times, vehicle descriptions and registration numbers, along with any details of the people involved. A quick response improves the chances of us catching them. For further information, please contact Steve Hepworth, Manager Compliance and Operations at Inland Fisheries – 0438 338 530.