Man fined for assisting whitebait poacher

A Smithton man was recently found guilty at the Burnie Magistrate’s Court of three charges of inducing another person to commit an offence under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995. Peter Salter was charged by Fisheries Officers with assisting Brodie Popowski (convicted on 10 May 2018) illegally taking whitebait at the Montagu River during October 2017. Mr. Salter pleaded guilty, was convicted of all charges and fined the sum of $700 and $83.74 in court costs. This serves as a timely reminder that not only does the person who commits the offence break the law in respect to illegal fishing, but also anyone who assists that person as well. Whitebait season commences again on 1 October and officers will be out protecting the fishery. If you witness illegal fishing, or anything suspicious at our Inland waters please let us know by calling 0438 338 530 or 1300 INFISH (1300 463 474) or emailing us at . Help us protect our valuable inland fisheries for all to enjoy into the future.