Leading international journalist remarks on his recent visit to Tasmania

Tasmania recently hosted, Kirk Deeter, a leading US angling journalist and widely travelled author. Here is what he had to say in a recent social media post about his experience.
"Thank you, Tasmania.
Just back from one of the most extraordinary "fishing" trips I've ever experienced. Never thought I'd watch a wallaby jump over the creek as I made a cast. Never thought I'd see 7-pound brown trout tailing like redfish in skinny water, crushing frogs in the grasses. Never imagined a hatch of snowflake caddis that made the river look like an impending blizzard. Under-appreciated the significance of Tasmania in a cultural and historic context... as this is where the empire of the brown trout first expanded beyond European shores. Didn't fully respect just how dialed Tassie anglers are in terms of their cutting-edge techniques. Had almost forgotten what a truly wild trout behaves like, and how awesome it is to watch them eat a fly.
Did NOT under-appreciate the amazing hospitality and stunning environs while I was there.
Much, much more forthcoming, but worth saying that Tasmania is beyond special. Love NZ, and Chile, and Argentina, and of course, the wild, wild West of America. But for context, know that Tassie sold a grand total of @250 fishing licences to foreign anglers last year... by contrast, NZ sold about 100 times that many.
In other words, it's wide open.
More soon... just landed... totally spent... feel like Dorothy waking up after her trip to Oz."