Lake Sorell juvenile carp survey is a success!

The Lake Sorell juvenile carp survey was undertaken over Monday 5 to Friday 9 March 2018. This survey aims to determine if spawning had occurred over the past few months, and whether there are any new year class of carp.
Sixty-six fyke nets were set around the lake near weed beds and shore areas where young-of-the-year carp have been caught before. Backpack electro-shockers were used at 24 sites around the lake for a minimum of 15 minutes each. 6149 fyke net hours and 385 electrofishing minutes resulted in many eels and golden galaxiids but no new young-of-the- year carp. This is a great outcome for the Carp Management Program. This means that the fishing effort in Lake Sorell can continue to focus on the few remaining adult fish.