The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

May 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

John Diggle, Director of Inland Fisheries and Sarah Courtney, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, hold a brown trout at Trout Weekend 2018
May 21, 2018

Trout Weekend 2018 a huge success

The crowds rolled out for Trout weekend 2018. Over 3000 patrons made their way to the Central Highlands hot spot. Things could not have gone better. The weather was balmy (by Liawenee standards) and a fresh run of spawning brown trout arrived on cue. These were, once again, the major attraction. A few bigger trout...

May 18, 2018

Everything is in place for a great Trout Weekend

Everything is in place, for a great Trout Weekend IFS staff have been busy this week preparing for Trout Weekend 2018. There are displays featuring the latest work by IFS, aquariums with species from our inland waters and vendors selling their wares. The ever-popular Junior Anglers Pond is stocked and ready for younger visitors to...

IFS Staff member, Storm Eastley with an average size Penstock Lagoon brown trout from the 2018 Fishery Performance Assessment.
May 17, 2018

Penstock Lagoon - Brown Trout Population Assessment May 2018

With the brown trout season closed, we took the opportunity to assess the fishery at Penstock Lagoon. We wanted to see the number, and the condition, of the fish remaining after the 2017-18 season. The results were very positive. During the first week of May, we undertook a survey using box traps.  Over two nights,...

A junior angler at Trout Weekend, very happy with his catch of a fine rainbow trout.
May 17, 2018

Calling all junior anglers.

Come & try your luck at Trout Weekend! The ever-popular junior angling pond will be part of Trout Weekend once again this year. If you are under 14 years you can try to catch a trout to take home for dinner. Fishcare Tasmania volunteers will be on hand to provide advice, hints, tips and help...

A (very) oversize illegal whitebait net.
May 16, 2018

The latest whitebait conviction

Brodie Lee Popowski appeared in Smithton Magistrates Court on Wednesday 10 May. He pleaded guilty to several charges relating to the illegal taking of whitebait. The Court fined Mr Popowski $1 749 and ordered him to pay $82.15 in costs. Mr Popowski was convicted of: 1. Taking whitebait without a whitebait licence 2. Possessing whitebait...