The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

May 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

May 8, 2018

Dynans Bridge access closed for flood repairs

Anglers access at Dynans Bridge on the Mersey River is closed while flood repairs are completed. Work will include stabilisation of the riverbank, repairs to erosion and new fencing. Work will be completed in time for the opening of the 2018-19 season.

IFS staff member, Brett Mawbey, loading fish for transfer
May 8, 2018

The 2018 brown trout spawning migration is in full swing

The brown trout spawning migration is well underway at Liawenee Canal, yingina/Great Lake. With this begins the annual adult transfers to other waters around the State. Sometimes natural recruitment cannot sustain a wild population. We assist these fisheries with fish stocking using wild fish whenever possible. Yingina/Great Lake has many spawning creeks and lots of...

A brown trout being measured during the Little Pine Lagoon survey
May 7, 2018

Little Pine Lagoon trout survey sets the scene for the 2018-19 season.

During the last week of the brown trout season, we carried out an extensive survey of the Little Pine Lagoon trout population. The great news is the long-term angling prospects for this water are excellent. Over two days, we surveyed a wide area of the lagoon. Using 120 box traps, we captured 478 brown trout....

A Facebook ad offering whitebait for sale
May 4, 2018

Selling whitebait doesn’t pay.

Mark Adrian Wicks has been convicted of illegally advertising whitebait for sale. Mr Wicks appeared in the Devonport Magistrates Court on Monday 30 April. He was fined $450 and ordered to pay court costs. Mr Wicks posted an ad on a Facebook buy and sell page which is an offence under the Inland Fisheries Act...

John Broomby from Anglers Alliance Tasmania and Malcolm Crosse from the WFFC2019 at AGFEST 2018
May 3, 2018

Anglers Alliance Tasmania and World Fly Fishing Championship 2019 at AGFEST

Get along to AGFEST and talk to your angler representatives. Talk about the Tasmanian inland fishery and your ideas. World Fly Fishing Championship 2019 representatives are also there. They are looking for volunteers to assist with this exciting event. Call in, have a chat and see how you can get involved. The Championship will be...