Hydro Tasmania works on the Liawenee weir and canal

Hydro Tasmania will be conducting maintenance on Liawenee weir and Liawenee canal between 12 January and 31 March 2020.
The works will require that canal flows are kept to a minimum, and releases from Lake Augusta will not occur over this period.
Inflows to Lake Augusta are generally low over this period, however it is possible that rainfall events may increase levels to full supply resulting in spill across Augusta levee which will affect access to the Western Lakes area.
Access to the Julian and Pillans Lakes region via the Pillans Lake track may also be affected when levels are at or above -2.62m from full supply level. Potential visitors are advised to monitor Lake Augusta water levels accordingly if planning trips into the area (https://www.hydro.com.au/water/lake-levels).
For further information contact Nigel Koolik on 0414 875 976