Angling over the Australia Day long weekend

With the long weekend coming, we would love to see many anglers out fishing. BUT with so many fires, please think carefully about where you go.
Parks and Wildlife Service are asking people NOT to venture into remote areas from now until the end of the long weekend (Tuesday 29 January 2019).
Given the fire conditions across the state today and tomorrow, a number of walking tracks in Tasmania’s national parks have been closed. For full details, please head to the PWS website; Track/Reserve Closure and Visitor Advice –
There is a total fire ban across the State until at least 2:00 am on Monday 28 January. For the latest fire information please check the Tas Fire website – and listen to ABC local radio for regular updates.
For the latest updates on road closures, visit the Tasmania Police Community Alerts page.
If you want to go fishing for the Australia Day long weekend, there are still MANY great options.
In the south, you can think about the lower River Derwent or Tyenna River and lakes in the Derwent system.
From the Eastern half of the State there is Craigbourne Dam, Tooms Lake or Lake Leake.
If you are over in the West, try Lakes Burbury, Mackintosh, Plimsoll or Rosebery.
From the North or the North West, you could head to Four Springs Lake, Huntsman Lake, Brumby’s Creek, Talbots Lagoon, South Riana Dam, the Pet Reservoir or the South Esk, St Patricks, Mersey and Meander rivers.
Lastly, from the North East there is Blackman’s Lagoon and the Great Forester River.
Keep informed. Conditions can change quickly. Stay safe and enjoy your fishing.