The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Never been a better time to go trout fishing

One of the $10,000 tagged trout waiting to be caught

Stay safe, support local businesses, buy a licence and catch a trout!

The Inland Fisheries Service is running a major promotion to encourage trout fishing in regional areas during the 2020-21 angling season, which started on 1 August 2020.

Five brown trout were tagged and released into lakes around Tasmania. One each into Arthurs Lake, Lake Burbury, yingina / Great Lake, Lake Pedder and Lake Rowallan (which opens 3 October).

Each tag is worth $10 000 to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service, in accordance with the terms and conditions.

The Inland Fisheries Service are proud to support rural business in Tasmania. The five lakes receiving a tagged fish represent locations where local businesses could use your support, as well as offer superb world class fishing experiences.

Life is marching on. If your rods are covered in dust, or you have always wondered what all the fuss is about, there has never been a better time to begin or rekindle your love of fishing!

Escape the uncertainty. Trout fish Tasmania

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