Inland Fisheries Service attends the 2019 National Recreational Fishing Conference

In Dec last year, Hobart hosted the 2019 National Recreational Fishing Conference. The conference is organised by Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation.
This year’s theme was “Our Fishing, Our Research, Our Recreational Future”. This focussed on recreational fishing citizen science programs.
Around 130 delegates came from all over Australia. These including scientists, fisheries managers, recreational fishing identities, peak bodies and our very own Jonah Yick.
Jonah update the attendees on the World Fly Fishing Championship held just a week earlier. Jonah presented within the official program about the Tasmanian wild brown trout fishery, its origins, and our management. The delegates received Jonah’s presentation well.
Many of the delegates were staying on after the conference, or returning to Tasmania in the near future, to fish our inland waters.