Lake Echo predicted to fire this spring

Lake Echo is likely to reach a good water level in spring due to the power station being shut for refurbishment, winter rains and snow melt. Currently at 6.5 m below full supply level the water will soon exceed the highest level of last season (- 6.0 m). When the lake fills further the shallow edges in Brocks and Teal bays along with the Surveyors Marsh area will provide good visual fishing to tailing fish and flooded terrestrial feeders. The water level needs to get to about - 4 m below full supply level for the action to start happening in close. To monitor water levels go to
In the mean time there have been reports of good fishing along the deeper western shore amongst the dead trees. This area is ideal for lure and bait fishing from the shore and floating a dry fly as the weather warms.
All three boat ramps at Lake Echo (Dam wall, Middle Echo and Large Bay) are now usable. Boat ramp locations and other information for anglers can be found in the Anglers Access brochure or the Infish app.