Inland Fisheries Service works with anglers to eradicate cumbungi from Four Springs

A recent inspection of Four Springs Lake has confirmed that cumbungi has been successfully eradicated in a joint effort by Inland Fisheries Service staff and Anglers Alliance Tasmania volunteers.
A concerned angler reported an infestation of the invasive weed at the southern shore of the lake to the IFS in 2017. The cumbungi was rapidly spreading, restricting wading and infesting key trout habitat. An inspection of the lake by IFS staff revealed a total of 8 areas infested around the perimeter of the lake. It was decided to treat the infestations using two methods to prove efficacy. Some sites were sprayed with environmentally friendly herbicide and the large southern site was treated by slashing the stems 150 mm below the water level. Regrowth at sites sprayed in 2018 were sprayed again in 2019. The site slashed in 2018 resulted in a full kill. Further regrowth was detected at the sprayed sites in 2020 which was slashed.
If anglers notice any re-infestation please report it to the IFS.