November 2021 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Willow Warriors working bee
The next Tyenna River Willow Warriors working bee will be at Westerway on Saturday 27th November starting at 10am. If you are interested in getting involved contact Morgan on 0418 667 426 or The Tyenna River Recovery Program aims to eradicate crack willow from the Tyenna River and stabilise banks with native plantings over the next 10 years....
Tagged trout can be caught
Keen angler, Tony Robertson, showed that the tagged fish are out there to be caught. While drift spinning from his boat in yingina / Great Lake, near Reynolds Island, with small hard body lures he hooked and landed a brown trout. He noticed that it had blue tag. On closer inspection Tony realised it was the tagged...

Expressions of Interest are invited for appointments to the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council
Inland Fisheries Act 1995 INLAND FISHERIES ADVISORY COUNCIL Expressions of Interest are invited for appointments to the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council (IFAC). Established under Section 20A of the Inland Fisheries Act 1995, IFAC is the advisory body for matters relating to inland fisheries. In broad terms, the role of IFAC is to provide strategic advice...

Whitebait season closes for 2021
The 2021 whitebait season closed yesterday, Thursday 11 November. Whilst wet weather played a part in most areas of the State again this year, some good catches were seen by our officers. This was the second year catch data was collected from fishers as they were checked, allowing a view of how fishers were reporting their...
Victoria comes to the rescue for Tasmanian Carp Management Program.
After many years of active service, the generator recently failed on the Inland Fisheries Service electrofishing boat. The boat has been a useful tool for catching and removing carp from lakes Crescent and Sorell. An inspection showed that the generator could not be fixed and was of a design that could not be easily replaced....