Tasmanian Fisheries Biologist Social Event held in Hobart

The virtual 2021 World Fisheries Congress runs this week, from the 20-24 of September.
This conference was planned to be held in Adelaide, South Australia , however due to the CV19 situation around the country/world, it was changed to a virtual event. Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) Carp Management Program Leader, Jonah Yick, will present work on the carp eradication work being undertaken in Lake Sorell.
Jonah is also the Tasmanian state representative for the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB), he organised a social event, held in Hobart last night.
This was funded by the ASFB, with a contribution from the IFS.
The aim of the evening was to provide fisheries or aquatic related staff/scientists/managers and students from around the state with face to face interactions, as well as opportunities to network and collaborate with one another.
The event was a huge success, with approximately 60 attendees, from organisations including students from the University of Tasmania, retired fisheries scientists, as well as current fisheries managers and scientists from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Inland Fisheries Service, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian Antarctic Division, Sea Fisheries, Ozfish, and the DPIPWE Water Management Branch.
A mixture of current, past ASFB Members, and non-members attended.