Campfire restrictions to be in place for national parks and reserves
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) will introduce campfire restrictions across high-risk campgrounds in a number of parks and reserves from 02:00 on December 20 until further notice.
These measures will help protect Tasmania’s significant reserve estate, along with ensuring visitor and community safety. Restrictions coincide with the impending announcement of the fire permit period by the Tasmania Fire Service.
Importantly, although Tasmania has received steady rainfall over the past few weeks, the underlying vegetation conditions are dry with PWS crews attending a number of fires in recent weeks.
As a result of a wetter than average spring, grass and crop growth has been significant, and curing grass is likely to present a fuel hazard in the next few weeks.
Maximum temperatures from January to March are likely to exceed average median temperatures due to the effects of a La Nina weather pattern and the increasing influence of climate change.
The seasonal campfire restrictions apply to national parks and reserves in the following areas:
• Dorset, Break O’Day, Glamorgan/Spring Bay, Sorell and Tasman municipalities,
• Snaky Creek and Tooms Lake Conservation Areas,
• Flinders, King and Maria Islands,
• Narawntapu National Park.
Restrictions have also been imposed on the use of pot fires as sparks, embers and disposal of ash from pot fires can also provide an ignition source. Gas stoves and gas barbecues are still permitted.
“We would like to thank visitors to national parks, reserves and crown land for their cooperation during the campfire restriction period,” PWS State Fire Manager Katy Edwards said.
“Our priority is community and visitor safety along with the protection of our significant reserve estate by preventing bushfires from starting. Eliminating abandoned, escaped or poorly-constructed campfires remains part of our community and visitor safety strategy.”
Despite fire restrictions last year, there were sadly 99 reports of unattended or illegal campfires on PWS managed land.
“We want to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camping experience and appreciate everyone’s assistance, both from visitors and the community in complying with these fire restrictions,” Katy said.
Information on the locations affected by restrictions will be available on the PWS website at