NEW BOOK: Biology and Control of Invasive Fishes

The study and management of invasive fish is a rapidly growing discipline. Across the globe, dozens of highly invasive fish are now found in both fresh and marine waters, where they can alter habitats, compete with native fish for food, and prey on native fishes while exerting both indirect and direct effects on ecosystems and economies. Although efforts to understand and control invasive species are in their infancy, a few examples stand out. Edited by Professor Peter W. Sorensen from the University of Minnesota, this book is a collection of 12 insightful articles on freshwater invasive fish from around the world, and is the first on this discipline.
Five topics are addressed: (1) damage caused by invasive fish (1 article on ruffe); (2) techniques to ascertain the presence of invasive fish (1 article on eDNA); (3) techniques to control invasive fish (1 article on CO2 as a deterrent); (4) strategies to control invasive fish (3 articles on virus control, invasivorism, and modifying lock and dam operation); and (5) lessons learned from ongoing management efforts (5 articles on sea lamprey, lake trout, common carp, and northern pike control).
This includes one article from fisheries managers at the Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service:
- Eradication of the Invasive Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio from a Large Lake: Lessons and Insights from the Tasmanian Experience. Jonah L. Yick, Chris Wisniewski, John Diggle, and Jawahar G. Patil.