Message from Hydro Tasmania - Arthurs Lake Campsites

As you may be aware we have closed the Jonah Bay and Pumphouse Bay campsites for maintenance until August 2023. We undertook significant consultation with the long-term campers at these sites and they are all aware of the reasoning for and length of the closure. We will be improving drainage, toilets and site demarcation in addition to removing unsafe trees and adding specific spaces for short-term visitors to the sites. Please be aware that both the Jonah Bay and Pumphouse Bay boat ramps remain open.
We know the closure of these sites may increase pressure elsewhere around the lake and, as a result, we have formalised 5 sites that we know have been previously used by campers. Space in these campsites is limited and there are no facilities so we’re also encouraging people to make use of our other recreational areas around the Central Highlands and elsewhere to spread the pressure from visitors.
Please help us to look after these special environments on our land and, in particular, the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Do the right thing and Leave No Trace.
Please visit for more information.