Casting for Recovery - fundraising for cancer

Fly Fish Australia
Come and join the Australian Ladies World Fly Fishing Team and other ladies for a fabulous day of fun, fishing and raising money for cancer recovery program.
Meet and fish with these phenomenal women who will share their skills and passion for fly fishing and have fun at the same time.
When: Sunday 24 April from 9.30am - 4.00pm, meet in the car park at the boat ramp from 9.00am
Where: Penstock Lagoon, Central Highlands, Tasmania
How: 2 anglers per boat with your female guide
Cost: $200 per person for a full day of guided fishing and fun, includes lunch and fly fishing gear and fishing licence.
Contact: Jane Forster
mobile: 0410 454 129
Funds raised will be shared 50/50 with Casting for Recovery and FFA Ladies World Fly Fishing team bound for Norway in July 2022.
General Information
The Casting for Recovery (CfR) program in Victoria is a health and well-being program run by an organisation called Mending Casts Inc, a non-profit association staffed entirely by volunteers including breast cancer survivors, paramedics, nurses and dedicated fly fishers. They donate their time to organising free two-day CfR retreats for women with, or who have had, breast cancer. Participants are taught the basics of fly fishing including casting and fly tying to introduce them to the calming and relaxing nature of the sport. The participants experience fly fishing as a reprieve from the everyday stresses and challenges of cancer treatments and thereby improve their quality of life. They share these experiences with others in a safe and supportive group environment. The Casting for Recovery program started in the USA and has been running for over 20 years with resounding success. The program is run under licence by Mending Casts Inc. which also runs similar Reel Recovery retreats for men with cancer. See for more information.
Mending Casts Inc. is currently raising funds for their next Casting for Recovery retreat in Victoria to be held at Ballarat in early April 2022. As Mending Casts Inc. programs are built around the health & wellbeing benefits gained from fly fishing, we proudly support the Fly Fishing Australia (FFA) Australian Women’s Fly Fishing Team. Mending Casts Inc. is planning to run a Tasmanian Casting for Recovery retreat in the near future.