September 2022 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Whitebait season to open
The 2022 whitebait season opens on Saturday 1 October. The season will run for 6 weeks closing on Friday 11 November. A whitebait licence is required to fish for whitebait. Licences are $34 available from the IFS website, Service Tasmania outlets and selected tackle shops. A whitebait licence permits anglers to take a maximum of 2 kilograms of whitebait per...

Gate to Nineteen Lagoons is open
The Lake Augusta Rd from the boom gate through to Lake Ada was opened yesterday 29th Sept 2022. The track past Lake Botsford also remains closed, due to a boggy section near Lake Kay. Gates providing access to Talinah, Double Lagoon and Pillans tracks remain closed as conditions were deemed unsuitable for opening. These tracks...

$2 000 tagged trout from Lake Mackintosh
Phillip spent the the long weekend camped and fishing at Lake Mackintosh with his wife Janine and some mates. Friday was Phillips birthday and he was trolling up the lake with his mate Leigh using a deep diving metallic green lure. They had landed a couple of brown trout when they brought a third fish to...

Big lake - big tagged trout winner
Josh made the most of the recent public holiday by spending the day drift spinning on yingina / Great lake with his mate Luke. With a nice N/NW breeze they were having a good day and had caught 12 trout along the eastern shore. When lucky trout number thirteen was landed they could see that...

Floods damage fishing platforms on Plenty River
After numerous floods and repairs the disabled fishing platforms, on the Plenty River at the Salmon Ponds, have been removed due to safety concerns. Anglers with disabilities have a number of other options in the area. There are purpose built platforms on the River Derwent at the Esplanade, New Norfolk and at Windsor Corner on the...