Big crowds enjoy Trout Weekend 2023

Fine weather on Saturday gave way to strong winds and snow on Sunday but had little effect on the crowds at the annual IFS Trout Weekend on 20 – 21 May. An estimated 3,500 people were in attendance, enjoying the celebration of Tasmania’s wild brown trout spawning run.
Patrons enjoyed wonderful food from the Longford Angling Club and Great Lake Community Centre while visiting a variety of informative displays from Hydro Tasmania, Marine and Safety Tasmania, NRM South, Derwent Catchment Group, Angler Alliance Tasmania and Biosecurity Tasmania, to name a few.
Children had the opportunity to get on board a rescue boat used by Marine Police and head inside the pavilion to see the live Tasmanian giant freshwater crayfish. The native and pest fish display tanks always draw crowds but the most popular displays this year were the fly-tying demonstrations and entomologist, John Gooderham’s ‘bug’ display. John had collected a variety of ‘bugs’ at different stages of their life cycle and fly tiers were challenged to ‘match the hatch’.
The IFS compliance team ran a quiz on inland fishing regulations. A young lady from Hobart won the quiz competition, taking home a fishing rod and reel combo.
Hundreds of people made their way along the 1.5km ‘wild trout trail’ from the display area to the fish trap. Over a thousand fish were on display and IFS staff spoke and answered questions on the management of our fishery.
The Hon. Jo Palmer, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, enjoyed the celebration and presented a plaque to Sheryl Thompson – inductee into the Tasmanian Angling Hall of Fame, who dedicated a lifetime of enjoying, supporting and advocating for our recreational fishery.
A big thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the event. We have started planning for next year and look forward to seeing you again.