Temporary closure- Florentine Road, Tiger Road and Lawrence Rivulet Road


In the interest of both the public and harvesting contractor safety and to enable Sustainable Timber Tasmania to discharge its responsibilities, it is temporarily closing sections of Florentine Road, Tiger Road and Lawrence Rivulet Road between Monday and Friday to conduct forest harvesting operations on Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land.

Please be assured that key visitor areas such as Lake Rhona and Wylds Craig remain accessible during this time.

Lake Rhona and Wylds Craig will remain accessible to the public from the Wayatinah end of Florentine Road during weekdays. Lake Rhona and Wylds Craig will be accessible from both the Maydena and Wayatinah ends of the Florentine Road during weekends.

The closure section of Florentine Road is approximately 30 kilometres in from the Florentine Road and Wayatinah Road (Wayatinah) junction and approximately 21 kilometres in from the Gordon River Road and Florentine Road (Maydena) junction.

In addition, access has been restricted on both Tiger Road and Lawrence Rivulet Road. Access is restricted on Tiger Road for approximately 850 metres from its junction with Florentine Road. Access is restricted on Lawrence Rivulet Road, approximately five kilometres from its junction with Florentine Road.

Signage has been placed at both ends of Florentine Road to advise the public and road users of this closure. A map of the closure is available for ease of reference. 

The sections of roads will be closed between Monday and Friday to all traffic except for authorised vehicles and personnel associated with the harvesting operation. Access through the roads for emergency services will be provided as and when required.

It is expected the closure will last for approximately eight weeks until early November 2023.

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