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Redfin perch found in Huon Valley. We need your help!

Redfin perch

On 12 March 2023, a Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) was caught by an angler in Mountain River, in the Huon Valley. It was reported to and confirmed by the IFS. Redfin perch have not been found in this river, or in the Huon Valley before. Broad surveys have now been done including farm dams, rivers, and creeks in the area. Only one other Redfin perch was captured in a small creek. The IFS wants your help to find the source of this population, as early detection is important to eradicate them.

If you think you’ve seen, found, or caught a Redfin perch, please take clear photos of it, or if it is dead already, collect the carcass and store in a freezer. Please take note of the location where it was found, as well as the date, and contact the IFS promptly on 1300 INFISH or

Redfin perch are an invasive species which were introduced to Tasmania in the 1860s, and are now established in many areas of the state. Due to their aggressive nature, and ability to reproduce rapidly and overpopulate water bodies, they pose a threat to our native fish and trout. They have not been found in the Huon Valley before.

Thank you for your assistance in protecting our waterways!

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