Inland Fisheries Service News

This image shows the correct way to measure a brown trout. A straight line from the tip of the snout to the end of the centre of the rail fin
The correct way to measure a trout.
Aug. 22, 2018

Know the bag and size limits

Our inland fisheries are amongst the best trout fisheries available in the world. Over the first couple of weeks of this season, we have become aware that some anglers are not following size and bag limits. Of particular concern is taking undersized fish exceeding bag limit, and exceeding the number of fish permitted over 500 mm....

Lake King William Wild Trout Brown Trout Relocation Program
Brown trout in the trap at Lake King William on the River Derwent
Aug. 17, 2018

Wild brown trout spawning run

We have been working hard over the winter months managing and protecting the brown trout while on their spawning migration. On the Central Highlands we have a number of traps used to catch trout as they move up stream to spawn. The traps enable us to collect ova and wild adult fish we then use...

Two set fishing rods on the shore of South Riana Dam as day breaks on the opening of the 2018-19 trout season.
South Riana Dam at the opening of the 2018-19 trout season.
Aug. 6, 2018

The 2018-19 trout season begins

Over the weekend the 2018-19 angling season took off with a bang! The weather was reasonable for this time of year. Saturday morning was fantastic until some rain moved in at lunchtime. Thousands of anglers around the state tried their luck with some fantastic fish caught. Our Officers were out with five teams patrolling 46...

Four Springs Lake carpark on the opening Sunday in 2017
Four Springs Lake carpark on the opening Sunday in 2017
Aug. 2, 2018

Opening weekend outlook

Most inland waters open this weekend.   The brown trout fishing season starts on Saturday 4 August and the outlook is fantastic. Winter has so far delivered good rain in the West, Northwest, North and South of the state. Today dams in the Mersey/Forth, Pieman and the lower Derwent catchments are spilling with the upper...

An image of the 2018-19 one season licence card and the 2018-23 five season licence card.
2018-19 one season licence and the 2018-23 five season licence cards.
Aug. 2, 2018

2018-19 Licence cards

If you have bought or renewed a full season licence, you probably don’t have your card yet. There has been a delay with this season cards. We hope the first ones will arrive in letterboxes next week. You can still enjoy fishing this weekend. If you have a receipt, take a copy with you. This...