Inland Fisheries Service News

An aerial shot of the Forth hydro power scheme
An aerial shot of the Forth hydro power scheme
Aug. 1, 2018

Pumped hydro community information sessions

Hydro Tasmania is inviting residents to community information sessions being held in August to talk about pumped hydro and the opportunities it could bring to Tasmania. Hydro Tasmania has identified 14 potential pumped hydro options around the state that will be explored further, to look at the social, economic and technical aspects. The information sessions...

IFS Staff member, Storm Eastley with a brown trout trapped during the South Riana Dam fishery performance assessment in 2018.
IFS Staff member, Storm Eastley with a brown trout trapped during the South Riana Dam fishery performance assessment in 2018.
Aug. 1, 2018

South Riana Dam worth a go when the new season starts

Today sees the start of the new licence period. Put down your 2017-18 season angling licence. Pick up your 2018-19 season licence. As you think about where you might go on Saturday, consider the South Riana Dam on the NW Coast. Over 23 to 25 July, we did an assessment of the brown trout population...

A selection of Anglers Access Program brochure cover pages from the new editions
A selection of Anglers Access Program brochure cover pages from the new editions
July 31, 2018

This trout season brings new Anglers Access Program brochures and signs

We have updated our Anglers Access Program brochures. The Anglers Access Program team, mostly Neil Morrow, has replaced over 200 signs around the state. All in time for the start of the 2018-19 trout season. Our Minister, Sarah Courtney, released the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018‑28 in June. The Plan ensures Tasmania’s world-class...

IFS work experience student, Jack, transferring wild adult brown trout into Lake Binney.
Transferring wild adult brown trout into Lake Binney.
July 30, 2018

Winter fish transfers

The opening of the 2018-19 brown trout season is fast approaching. Great excitement surrounds this season’s opening, and rightly so. Almost 30 000 adult wild brown trout ran into our migratory fish traps since April. Many have been released into Assisted Lake fisheries. To compliment the brown trout stockings, we stocked over 13 000 triploid rainbow trout...

July 27, 2018

A successful whitebait conviction

Codie Button of Smithton appeared in Burnie Magistrates Court on Thursday 19 July 2018. Mr Button appeared on several charges relating to the illegal taking of whitebait. The offences took place last spring at the Welcome River in the far North-West. Mr Button was convicted of five charges: Possessing a non-permitted net at an inland...