Inland Fisheries Service News

The best fly tyers will be at the Great Lake Tie-In 2022
Oct. 10, 2022

Great Lake Tie-In 2022

            Great Lake Tie-In 2022 After last year’s cancellation due to Covid 19 lockdown, we are back on 15th October 2022 and look forward to a bigger and better event in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. As in past years the event will be held in the Miena Community Centre, Cider Gum Road Miena. Some...

Oct. 5, 2022

Get out and go fishing

The Inland Fisheries Service is coordinating a state-wide angling licence free day on Sunday 9 October 2022 as part of National Gone Fishing Day. Anglers Alliance Tasmania is also organising a range of junior events. An angling licence will not be required to fish in inland waters in Tasmania -- a great opportunity to grab a friend...

Oct. 3, 2022

Temporary Closure of Dunrobin Toilet Facility

The Dunrobin toilet facilities are currently closed for re-construction. Toilet facilities are available at Bethune Park, on the opposite side of the bridge. It is anticipated the new facilities will be open by Christmas. Central Highlands Council apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Sept. 30, 2022

Whitebait season to open

The 2022 whitebait season opens on Saturday 1 October. The season will run for 6 weeks closing on Friday 11 November. A whitebait licence is required to fish for whitebait. Licences are $34 available from the IFS website, Service Tasmania outlets and selected tackle shops. A whitebait licence permits anglers to take a maximum of 2 kilograms of whitebait per...

Sept. 30, 2022

Gate to Nineteen Lagoons is open

The Lake Augusta Rd from the boom gate through to Lake Ada was opened yesterday 29th Sept 2022.  The track past Lake Botsford also remains closed, due to a boggy section near Lake Kay.  Gates providing access to Talinah, Double Lagoon and Pillans tracks remain closed as conditions were deemed unsuitable for opening.  These tracks...