What a cracker of a weekend for fishing

Well, the weekend weather was kind with little wind and fine conditions to greet the keen anglers around the State.
Our Officers checked a number of fish and keen fishers who reported good catches in both lake and river settings using all methods. The weather forecast for this weekend is again looking good.
Compliance with the rules was pleasing with only a few boating safety equipment cautions issued and one person found fishing without the necessary angling licence.
Please make sure you take the time to purchase a licence before heading into areas you may like to fish in, especially if you are not sure of the phone coverage and are caught short in being able to purchase one online at the last minute. The fine for fishing or attempting to fish whilst unlicenced is $390 this year. Not only does it make sense to buy a licence for that reason, you are also actively contributing to the ability of the Inland Fisheries Service to manage our recreational fisheries for everyone to enjoy.
Buy a licence, catch a trout!
Tight lines everyone.