Inland Fisheries Service News

An illegal whitebait net
March 11, 2022

Whitebait poacher convicted

On Friday 11th March 2022 Austin Kavere JOHNSTON from Forest appeared in Burnie Magistrates Court on charges relating to the illegal taking of whitebait. The charges related to his activities at the Black River during October 2020. Mr JOHNSTON was found guilty of taking whitebait without a whitebait licence, whitebait fishing in a closed water,...

The Hydro Tasmania logo
March 11, 2022

Tarraleah canals routine maintenance

From Thursday 10 March to Thursday 24 March our team will be performing routine annual maintenance work on the Tarraleah canals system. During this time the No. 1 canal, No. 1 pond and No. 2 canal will be drained and the No. 2 pond will be lowered to its minimum operating level. There will be...

March 3, 2022

More fishing sites cleaned up.

The Carp Management Team continued our activity with Business Clean up Australia Day getting a ute load of rubbish in the Interlaken area including Dago Point camp ground and the Lake Crescent boat ramp. The rubbish was mainly drink bottles and cans.

Executive Officer Gabbie Henderson doing her bit.
March 1, 2022

IFS clean up fishing spots.

The Inland Fisheries Service participated in Business Clean Up Australia Day today. We focussed on Angler Access sites along the River Derwent. The section from the Bridgewater Bridge to Gretna. Anglers appear to be keeping the fishing locations relatively clean.  The road side verges, where cars can pull over,  provide focal points for people to...

Carp Management Program Leader Jonah Yick gives a presentation on the history and current status of carp in Tasmania to Utas Field Ecology students.
Feb. 21, 2022

University of Tasmania field ecology students visit Lake Sorell

In mid-February, 30 University of Tasmania (UTAS) students enrolled in the unit “Tasmanian Field Ecology”, visited Lake Sorell and Crescent to undertake vegetation and invertebrate surveys around the wetlands. The Interlaken Lakeside Reserve is internationally recognized under the Ramsar Convention on wetlands, and supports a range of threatened and protected flora and fauna. To commence...