Inland Fisheries Service News

The brown trout in the study have green tags
Sept. 6, 2021

River Derwent trout study update

In late July, 400 tagged wild adult brown trout were released into the River Derwent in the Dromedary area. Each of the trout have a single green coloured tag with a four digit number. This release of fish is part of a study to investigate the movements, growth and population of brown trout in the...

Atlantic salmon being released into Craigbourne Dam
Sept. 3, 2021

Salmon into Craigbourne

Today we stocked 130 Atlantic salmon in Craigbourne Dam. The fish averaged 1.2 kg. The dam is full and fishing well with the adult brown trout and smaller rainbows it has received over the past few months providing lots of action. There is also, of course, one remaining $2 000 tagged brown trout after the...

Ricky and Neil with one of the $2 000 tagged trout from Huntsman Lake
Sept. 3, 2021

Huntsman delivers the goods

Frederick “Ricky” Bassett, of Perth (Tasmania), retired recently and decided to buy a licence and return to trout fishing after a few years off. His mate, Neil, had recently bought a new boat. Along with Neil’s brother Ian, they took the boat to Huntsman Lake to give it a run. They trolled lures. Neil caught...

Male rainbow trout were first to arrive at the trap
Sept. 1, 2021

The rainbows have arrived at Liawenee

As if on cue, with the start of spring the rainbow trout spawning run has started at Liawenee Over the coming weeks we will use our fish trap on the canal to monitor the spawning run. We weigh and measure some fish as part of our long-term monitoring program. We will count all of the...

Aug. 29, 2021

Anglers strike pay load at Briseis Mine Hole!

While in Derby, David Fraser, decided to take a young family friend, 8 year old Kaiden, for a quick fishing lesson at Briseis Mine Hole close to the centre of town. Before they started David looked Kaiden in the eye and said “if we catch the tagged fish we are going halves”. Kaiden looked David...