Inland Fisheries Service News

Genevieve Phillips and Jonah Yck at the ASFB social event
Sept. 21, 2021

Tasmanian Fisheries Biologist Social Event held in Hobart

The virtual 2021 World Fisheries Congress runs this week, from the 20-24 of September. This conference was planned to be held in Adelaide, South Australia , however due to the CV19 situation around the country/world, it was changed to a virtual event. Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) Carp Management Program Leader, Jonah Yick, will present...

Karen Brooks at the Great Lake Tie-In
Sept. 20, 2021

The Great Lake Tie-In is on in 2021

The Great Lake Tie-In is on Saturday 16 October 2021 at the Great Lake Community Centre, Cider Gum Road, Miena. The event starts at 10.00 am, finishes around 3.00 pm and is open to the public by gold coin donation. The Tie-In is a coming together of fly tyers from around the State.  The theme is...

Peter Skeels proudly holding one of the Brown trout he caught and released on Saturday
Sept. 12, 2021

River Derwent still a strong provider

Over the weekend, anglers of all ages and abilities ventured out to their favourite water to try and catch one of the prized trout or salmon Tasmania is famous for! Peter Skeels was one of those anglers. He has a little spot on the River Derwent he likes to fish, using baitfish under a float. Within five minutes...

The brown trout in the Arthurs Lake spawning run were in good condition this year
Sept. 10, 2021

Fishing Arthurs Lake in Spring

The fishing at Arthurs Lake is a good news story. Fishing has steadily improved over the past five years. The number of fish in the 2021 spawning run was our largest in many years with over 14 500  brown trout being counted through the three Arthurs Lake fish traps and allowed to travel on upstream...

Atlantic salmon being released today
Sept. 7, 2021

Atlantic salmon into Kara and Brushy

Today we released 120 Atlantic salmon into both Lake Kara and Brushy Lagoon. The fish averaged 1.5 kg. Thanks to Tassal for supporting local angling.