Inland Fisheries Service News

Brown trout fry
Dec. 21, 2020

Galaxiid surveys - Woods and Arthurs lakes.

Each year the IFS surveys Arthurs and Woods lakes for two endangered native fishes, the Arthurs paragalaxias and the Saddled galaxias.  At Arthurs Lake, we found high numbers of the Arthurs paragalaxias across all areas of the lake, with 429 fish captured.  However, the number of Saddled galaxias captured was very low, with only 9...

Dec. 18, 2020

Pillans/Julian lakes and Double Lagoon tracks open

Parks and Wildlife Service have advised that the Pillans/Julian lakes and Double Lagoon tracks are now open to vehicles.

Dec. 15, 2020

Been fishing for escapee Atlantic salmon recently? If you have, IMAS is interested in hearing from you.

In late November and again in early December 2020, damage to marine farm infrastructure located in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Storm Bay resulted in the escape of a significant number of Atlantic salmon. While it is a bonanza for recreational fishers, relatively little is known about the impacts of such escape events. There are several...

Lake Barrington navigation light
Dec. 11, 2020

Inland Fisheries helping to keep anglers safe

The Inland Fisheries Service continues to maintain navigation lights at major boat ramps across Tasmania. The lights were installed at 34 boat ramps in a joint project with MAST and Hydro Tasmania in 2014. Light batteries need to be periodically replaced and redundant lights upgraded. A replacement light was installed at the Lake Barrington rowing...

John Jones with his new life jacket following an Inland Fisheries Service boat safety check
Dec. 11, 2020

Boating safety message ramping up for Christmas / New Year

Most anglers around Tasmania are familiar with being checked by Inland Fisheries Authorised Officers, usually to see if they are complying with the Inland Fisheries regulations. For some years now, they have also emphasised boating safety as part of their inspections. Long time angler John Jones is one who is definitely glad they do. On Bronte...