Limit your take, don't take your limit!

While many of Tasmania's inland fisheries are self sustaining and can easily sustain harvests that would occur should everyone take their bag limit, there are a few that definitely cannot. Generally the fisheries that require stocking have reduced bag limits but even these waters risk being fished out if bag limits are taken regularly. Where stocked fisheries are close to population centres or are popular by way of reputation the risks of depleting fish stocks becomes even higher, particularly of the larger fish!
Two fisheries that are of concern to the Inland Fisheries Service are Four Springs Lake and Penstock Lagoon. Both of these waters are small in size and receive significant angler effort, consistently ranking in the ten most visited lakes in the Tasmania. Despite low bag limits at these waters, good catches of quality fish may be at risk if high numbers are regularly taken by anglers.
When the fish are really biting well, why not consider releasing a few more back to catch another time. At the good size that the fish in both these waters attain, one or at most two fish is a nice sized family feed. So when you get onto a purple patch and the fish are playing your game try catch and release and spread the resource for others and yourself to enjoy next time you are back at that fishery.